The Dog food problem!




20190324_112217greeting everyone,

I know its been a while but this post is not going to be a full researched and fact based post but only based on opinion and observation.

Whether we agree on politics or not, i think we can all agree that we love our fury friends and would do almost anything for them.

With that being said, several months ago, I noticed that my dogs were hardly eating their food and it actually got to the point where they needed to be hand fed to even eat. Now before you ask, “well what quality dog food were you giving them?” let me go on record to say that although i do not remember the name of the last brand we tried before we went to human food (I will get to that more later) I do remember it was the nice, sixty dollars per fifty pound bag sort of quality so that was not the problem.

Even with us hand feeding them the appropriate amount of food, they still appeared as if they were malnourished (ie patchy hair, slightly too lean of a profile, ect…) So we decided to move on to giving them human food.

Now, before anyone questions what food I gave them, Ill go on record to say I started with a basic chicken rice and veggie combo that i just recently upgrade to a more complex meal specifically designed for dogs which I will go in more detail about after I find positive results of it on my two fur balls in a few weeks.

Needless to say after switching even over to the chicken rice and veggie diet, there were dramatic improvements to their over all health. their fur coats have never looked more luscious, and the vets are truly impressed with their overall weight and healthy as this is very uncommon among st Bernard breeds unfortunately. (usually St Bernard’s are a little over weight).

I will post the new recipe in the near future if i see any more positive effects of upgrading their food. IF you are reading this please be sure to hit that share button and comment if you or a dog you know has suffered a similar problem with today’s dog foods as this may become a flaw in the new recipe the companies are using that could result in undernourishment across the country for our best friends. No data will be required for this post as it is based off personal experience.



Why our founding fathers wrote the second amendment.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.(U.S. Constitution).” This short sentence has been at the forefront of debate in the United States of America for several years now, but why? Why has this Amendment been such a hot topic for so many years and why don’t we just abolish it? The first half of that sentence is why this is such a massive debate. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” Being that our founding fathers just broke ties with a corrupted English government, it makes perfect sense why they would want a militia to ensure that America will always remain a free country, even from it’s own government. Before you question, but we don’t have a “well regulated militia”, believe it or not we actually do. They are known as the United States National Defense Corpse. Their mission statement dictates:

“The mission of this CORPORATION is to provide emergency support services, in the best interest of the community or upon request, to recognized outside agencies in the event of both manmade and natural disasters and to provide activities to honor and support our veterans and their families. (USNDC).”

When they say “manmade” disasters, we can only assume that they are referring to travesties such as genocide.  Before you say “well the U.S. would never go as far as to systematically murder thousands if not millions of people based of race or creed”, Our government has openly discriminated against other cultures before since the beginning, from intentionally giving native Americans smallpox to kill them off for land, to the forced internment of millions of Japanese Americans during World War II out of fear that they may be spies, the U.S. Government has proven that there are always corrupt people in high places of power. Granted they were not there to protect the native Americans because this was before we declared ourselves as a free nation and before our founding fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution. So where was this militia during the internment of Japanese Americans? As it turns out they did not exist until former president Ronald Reagan Executive ordered their formation. “This organization was formed via executive order by President Ronald Reagan and was founded by US Airforce Veteran CG Joseph V. Potter.” says fellow blogger “why soldiers never talk”.  Ronald Reagan didn’t hold office until long after WWII. What we can note however, is that there have been no identified acts inhumane treatment of U.S. civilians from the U.S. government since the militia has been founded. As much as we can agree public shootings are horrible events of the modern day era, can we agree that the removal of the second amendment would further endanger millions of additional people every day as there is no country with a strong enough military to save us from our government if a second holocaust were to ever happen. It would rest on our shoulders as the civilians of this nation. I know it’s a scary thought to conceive of our government turning on us, and many of you may be saying our government hasn’t committed an inhumane act in years but ask yourselves, would you remove you sprinkler system in your house or apartment just because you haven’t had a fire in years? Our militia is a similar concept. It’s Something we hope we will never have to use, but must have for emergency use. I apologize for not using the reputable sources but the USNDC has been around for years and should have been known by the public without need for being backed by a reputable source and “why soldiers never talk” is the only place i could find an estimate age of the militia as i can imagine they would want to limit as much information as possible regarding their age/population as possible.

As always, no profanities, and be sure to follow all the regulations mentioned on the blogger rules and regulations page. I will add if you have any opinions about this post, please be sure to type “OPINION” next to your comment so that we all know there is not necessarily a statistic related to your post. I’m hoping to update the guidelines in the near future allowing opinions on all posts and making a series of tweaks to make it easier to comment and debate about topics on the site.

Should Broward County voting Supervisor be fired?

This topic has more to do with properly doing your job as opposed to politics but should be a great opening to see everyone’s opinions about what happened in Florida for the 2018 midterm election. In short this woman Brenda C. Snipes, is responsible for ensuring that Broward county in Florida has all of its votes tallied and registered as after the voting period ends  in Florida. The problem is she didn’t do the one job she had to do for her salary. for the 2018 election her county had finished their votes on November 6, 2018, and yet just last night the 15th of the month did Florida finally confirm its governor as Rep. Ron DeSantis. Why, because Mrs. Snipes overlooked thousands  of votes she needed to register until after the Boward county’s deadline. They continued to have setbacks and delays until last night November 15, 2018 where was, again, finally confirmed on who Florida’s governor would be going into 2019. The truly sad part about all of this is, this isn’t even the first time there was a significant controversy connected to this supervisor. During the 2016 election, this same supervisor wound up destroying Broward county’s ballots prematurely. Although the votes were tallied and it was clear who all the candidates in question were, if for some reason the government wanted to re-tally the votes for Broward county, now they wouldn’t be able too. These two controversies under the same supervision beg the question, should Brenda C. Snipes remain voting supervisor of a county in such an electorally critical state such as Florida? This is not an average post you would find on this blog and there isn’t many other facts that would sway all  of our opinions about this story. I as a reporter would never wish that someone be fired unless they really dropped the ball on their job, but I care about what all of you have to say. Hit like and share is you believe this woman should be fired. Comment disagree if you think she should remain in office.

A real Pocahontas descendant’s thoughts about Elizabeth Warren.

There are certain lies that no one, not even a politician can cover up. Elizabeth Warren has apparently found that out the hard way. To give a little bit of backstory to this first I must elaborate the this lady has partially based her status of the false claim that she was a native American. No she did not live in a multi-million dollar mansion, but according to Snopes; “Elizabeth Warren’s home is likely worth more than the average American home, and the senator has often spoken of her Native American ancestry.(Snopes). However, Snopes later goes on to say:

The legitimacy of Warren’s claims to Native American heritage has certainly been challenged by many critics, and it is true that while Warren was at U. Penn. Law School she put herself on the “Minority Law Teacher” list as Native American) in the faculty directory of the Association of American Law Schools, and that Harvard Law School at one time promoted Warren as a Native American faculty member. But specific evidence that she gained her position at Harvard (at least in part) through her claims to Native American heritage is lacking. Warren denied applying for special consideration as a person of Native American heritage during her career, and when the matter was examined in 2012 in response to Brown’s claims, people with whom Warren had worked similarly denied her ancestral background’s factoring into the professional opportunities afforded her:(Snopes).

Although Harvard denies that Warren being native American had anything to do with her job placement, one must question if her ancestry raised her likelihood of being hired by her employers. Furthermore, you must ask yourselves, would she have ever made it into the senate if she did not have as high a profile job as a professor in Harvard, one of the most renowned law schools in America?

With that all being said, a real descendant of the real Pocahontas, Debbie “White Dove” Porreco, has a little to say about Warren on Fox news. (see below for the video link)

To make it short, White Dove asks for Warren to apologize to the native Americans for the lies about her heritage. This was proven after Warren finally had her DNA tested and denied that she had any substantial amount of Native American blood coursing through her veins. Again, I know that this video is from Fox news, but it is only to see how White Dove feels about Warren more than actual statistics being used and the reporter does not seem to be twisting her words in this particular video.

Some topics you may want to debate on is how this may effect the democratic party in the upcoming election, will Warren remain relevant now the she is deemed not native american? And as always, please be sure to share this video and get it out to all your friends.

The basics of the Saudi Arabian murder!

This case has been boiling beneath the surface for the last few days. According to BBC news, they believe the murder of reporter Khashoggi may have been a well played hoax! According to BBC news:

“Interior Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz’s denial comes 11 days after Mr Khashoggi was last seen entering the consulate.

Turkish sources allege he was then killed by a team of Saudi agents.

A Turkish security source told the BBC that officials have audio and video evidence proving the killing.

Saudi Arabia has maintained the journalist, a critic of the government, left the building shortly after arriving on 2 October.

The interior minister said on Friday the kingdom was keen to uncover “the whole truth”, according to the official Saudi Press Agency, stressing reports “about orders to kill” are “baseless”.(BBC).”

BBC later goes on to tell us a little bit about MR Kashoggi. BBC claims:

“Mr Khashoggi is a prominent journalist who has covered major stories, including the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the rise of Osama Bin Laden, for various Saudi news organisations.

He served as an adviser to top Saudi officials, but later fell out of favour with the government.

He went into self-imposed exile in the US last year, and has written a monthly column in the Washington Post in which he has criticized the policies of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

In his first column for the newspaper, Mr Khashoggi said that he feared being arrested in an apparent crackdown on dissent overseen by the prince since he became first in line to succeed his father King Salman earlier that year.(BBC).”

BBC did a fair job summing up both sides of this debate. Although the Saudi Arabian government claims to have had no hand in the brutal murder of this famous reports, We can all see potential for why the government would want to kill Khashoggi. His death would mean one less reporter they have to worry about using his power of speech that may sway public vote away from the current for of government to a more free form of government as democracy.

So how does this death have anything to do with American politics? For one thing, president, Donald Trump has stated there would be severe punishments U.S. government found the Saudi government were responsible for this event. The U.S. government has several military deal with the Saudi Arabian government which may be terminated in response for this action. 

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section always following the blog guidelines. Please share this to all your friends and family to both enlighten them and give them a chance to debate on this topic or any other topics that may be in the blog. As always we are always open to new ideas for new topics to debate and you can reach us at I hope you enjoyed this post and there will be many more to come.

Kanye West goes red!

Yesterday, famous rapper, Kanye West, met with president Donald Trump originally for lunch which then turned to a small meeting to talk more freely about the state of our country, and how he feels Trump is handling his job as president of the United States. (See below for video on how Kanye feels about president trump now as opposed to the 2016 election)

(courtesy of NBC)

I understand this is brought from a news network that does not match the blogging guidelines so please find a link below where Snopes confirms that this would happen on October 9th 2018.  The point of using NBC’s video is simply so you as viewers can see exactly what happened in the meeting and it is void of any reporter commentary.

What is there to debate about this meeting? Looking at the video, many have been outraged with how Kanye presented himself inside of the oval office. Some have shown concern where you can see Kanye hugging president Trump without any secret service intervention. The counter argument that I have heard was that the left media is only trying to deface Kanye’s character to destroy his reputation as a supporter of president Trump. Some of you may think this is just a marketing technique that will gain the attention of an audience that’s losing interest in him. Needless to say, it’s interesting that someone can go from as far left to as far right as Kanye has in the last couple years. As usual, please feel free to comment but follow the blogging guidelines. Please share this post to get more people involved on this debate that may be interested in this topic.

Finally, we are always open to new topics that you may be interested in, know more about, or debate on. please feel free to reach us at